Friday, June 8, 2018

Why I chose to start this blog

I decided that my first post here was going to be why I even chose to start a blog. Well I'm a mom to 3 teenagers. I have a daughter 18, a son 15 and a son 14. Now that the kids are getting to the age that they don't really need me around anymore I had to find something to do with my time. So I started playing Xbox with my husband and kids and I started to do product reviews. 

Lets start with the Xbox. I was never a big fan of consoles after the Nintendo/Super Nintendo...they just started putting way to many buttons on the controllers. But with all my free time I decided to give the Xbox One a try and I actually loved playing. Don't get me wrong I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when I was standing right in front of it (don't judge) but it was still fun.

I Started out playing a game that had just been released called Destiny. After a couple days I was addicted. To the point that I got my own Xbox. I also tried other games like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fable etc. And yes I played some non shooters too. However I like the shooter games so that's usually where you find me. Now I play Destiny 1 and 2 as my main games. 

Product reviews were another thing that I've done for the last 3 years or so. I do reviews on websites, as a beta tester, and on my twitter. I loved the fact that I was able to do something fun and keep busy when my kids were in school. Plus getting packages in the mail is a lot of fun too. 

I'm now getting so many product reviews that I decided I would just start a blog. It was going to be only about the products but since I spend a lot of my day playing games and trying new ones I decided I also wanted a place I could talk about that. 

Everything you will find on this blog will be my own personal opinions. One day it could be about a video game and one day it could be about something I got in the mail. I'm not really sure where I'm going to take this but it gives me something to do when I am the only one in my house with no real life :)